Saturday, December 22, 2012

catching up!

                          We expected Adalynn to be a little delayed, not the case. She was bored with all of the baby toys I had brought her, so we went to some store and paid like $30 US for the only toy we could find that we thought she would like. I am pretty sure the price went way up when they saw us! I thought stuff was suppose to be cheap in China!

Wow! It has been a full week home, and we are adjusting. I am back to blogging after getting shut down while in China. We had signed up for a Virtual Private Network before we had went to China. Since facebook and blogger are blocked in China, the VPN, makes it appear that we are posting from San Francisco, Miami, or NYC. It worked fine until my last post with the Jesus Reigns etching in the Great Wall. Then even if we changed our city location we were shut down within seconds. Making us very grateful to live in this free country, even with the faults and short comings. We are blessed, we appreciate the freedoms and the rights that we have.

I have so many adventures to share with all of you. We can't believe how exciting and enjoyable our trip to China really was, and the great friends that we made while there.

Taken at the Zoo.

 Here is Shari's little Hannah. I love her ornery little personality! This photo sums her up, standing on the NO TOUCHING sign!
 Adalynn's 1st McDonald's experience. She loves to dip her french fries in ketchup, but, she had trouble swallowing her chicken nuggets.

                                               At  a museum, in Lanzhou.

I will also share more in another post about how it is going on the homefront. But, it is going much better. Since Matt went back to work Adalynn and I have been spending all of our time together, and she is tolerating me very well! She loves to play with me, I can carry her. Occasionally, she even lets me rock her. If anyone has seen us out and about, you probably know that she is pretty anti-social. Which we are grateful for, she is definitely not a "mommy shopper" like Eli was. She prefers me and is irritated if anyone so much as looks at her.

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