Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thank You!

It has come to my attention that I have not publicly acknowledged how thankful and grateful I have been for all of the care and concern for our family both while we were China and when we returned home. I meant to say it more, but, then I got busy, I got tired, I got LAZY! Please forgive me!

Thank you. It took a village to bring this little girl home while leaving our 3 other children behind. You know who you are!  Thank you for bringing my kids home from school, for taking them to Bible quizzing, for bringing a meal, for dropping off freezer meals. Thank you for providing the extra care and concern the kids required. Thank you for the prayers and the encouragement throughout this journey. Thank you to the great babysitters we had stay at our house. Thank you to whoever cleaned my oven!!! You remain an anonymous angel from heaven! Thank you for following my crazy schedules and my crazy lists. Thank you to Matt's partner and co-workers that held it all together at work and made it possible for him to be gone so long!

Thanks to Terri and Cindy for the excellent care they provided while we were in China. Yes, while we were on a 2 week vacation THEY held it all together...and for my brood that is no small task. They had the hard job. We are so grateful that they sacrificed their time and energy to invest in our family. They have jobs and families and yet, pushed it all aside to take on this huge task! We are thankful that they were able and willing to accommodate changing cricumstances when things did not go as planned. Thankful that they took off work and made arrangements for everything to run smoothly. Thanks that we felt so comfortable in China and our worries were little since we knew they had it all under control. They deserve praise and recognition.

Thanks to Brooke for posting to my blog after I got "shut down" in China for the "Jesus Reigns" post. Thanks to Brooke for planning a great homecoming. Thanks for getting so many together to make posters. Thanks to all of the people from our Sunday School for writing encouragement on those banners. We will treasure them!

Thanks for the many tasks and many ways that you all encouraged and supported our family! 

Thank you to all who came to our Homecoming at the airport. We were weary, we were tired, and you blessed us! We felt loved and encouraged!

We are so thankful for each and every one of you!

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